Pass the Mustard • by Jacob Haas

New Threads

Meta Threads logo with an AI-generated image of threads behind it.

I, like millions of others a few days ago, decided to sign up for (or migrate over from Instagram) Meta's hot new social platform: Threads. I'm on there as @thejakehaas and still have no idea what to actually do on the platform, other than find some interesting new people to follow.

Probably around the same time the 2016 election was in full swing, I dipped out of Facebook, and not too long after that I made my Instagram account private and pretty much abandoned that, too, in favor of Twitter and Reddit. No regrets for years, really, until a) Musk took over Twitter and things, eh, well... and b) Reddit destroyed third-party apps with their insane API access costs.

I never really got hooked on chasing likes and upvotes, but the ease of finding the newest news, trusted opinions, announcements from brands I like, and random cool junk was so damn low on Reddit and Twitter. It was sort of fate that Twitter is imploding and Reddit is almost unusable without an ad-free app experience. Soooo, let's see what happens with Threads, before the ads, bots, and Nazis move in.

And by the way, is the speed of tech really at a pace where Threads has already destroyed Twitter, or it's dead from the start? What's it going to look like in 6 months, or a year?

Who knows. Meantime, I'll be over here checking out the weirdness.

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