Pass the Mustard • by Jacob Haas

14” MacBook Pro got

I got lucky and the UPS guy showed up in the 1 hour window between dropping off my wife and picking up my daughter. Close call! Just spent the balance of the afternoon downloading and pasting in passwords. Only a few more apps to configure before I can comfortably call this device my own.

I was looking forward to this for a few reasons, the first and foremost being much more speed and memory. Can’t believe I opted for 8GB with my old work laptop. Hopefully 16GB isn’t too little over the next couple years. They don’t make upgrading possible.

Setting that aside, the screen and form factor is great. It’s 14”, I get a little more height and a tiny bit more width. If I ever get my act together and clean out the spare room, I could have a proper desk again and hook up a bigger monitor. Two screens. Or at least have a regular desk that I can sit at over a dining room table.

Tomorrow I should be able to give this new hotness a proper workout. I don’t regret being a designer, but man does it require good specs. Geekbench Browser has the old 13” 2020 i5 MacBook Pro rated at 899 and 3723 while the 14” M2 is 1952 and 15013. Significantly faster on paper. Seriously should be fine for a few years at least. Zoom!

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